Half Day Tour

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Agra Jaipur

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Rated #1 Tour since 2013
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We have thoroughly enjoyed this experience ! Thankyou Dhruv & family for giving us a personal insightinto life in an Indian home. Our Girls had an absolutelyfabulous time. An educational experience that they wouldnever have in a class room and will never forget.


Thank you so much for inviting us into your beautifulhome. You have a wonderful family…Our evening withyou all is the highlight of our trip to Delhi … Ihave to say, I fell in love with Delhi last night; thepeople, the culture, the architecture, the food, thetraditions, and so much more. Your hospitality and open hearts are our blessing. The walk through the bazaarwas nothing short of fantastic. Thank you so much forthis experience. It was amazing.

DES and Stace – Canada

This has been such a brilliant experience, to shareyour passion for Delhi, your culture & your food.To complete this experience, it was great hospitality& open sharing of your life to have us in your home.The master chef quality food was such a great finishto our day..

Mosha – Australia

Thank you so much !! What a wonderful introduction toIndia on an first evening here! It has been a trulymemorable experience.

Susie – Australia

We have had a wonderful experience – Something thatI will remember for a very long time. The foodm thesights and sounds were amazing and Dhruv & familyis the perfect host, giving an incredible insight intothe culture, history and food. Thank you so much forshowing us the real Delhi and for being so hospitable.

Mick – Australia

What can people really cover in one day? Delhi in oneday? Today, I have taken a slice of Delhi in just 5hours!! Starting from the Food Trail, the walk throughthe Bazaar made me feel like a traveller, romancingthe streets of Delhi. We will never forget the joy onour daughters face. The last not the least thank youfor the beautiful experience at the Haveli. We wereshowered with so much of love and hospitality that the experience will remain a shining memory in our hearts.

Sumeena – Mumbai

We had a wonderful experience walking on the streets& alleyways of Old Delhi. The street food was fantastic,something we would not have done on our own. Your hospitalityhas been exceptional and we feel very privileged tohave been invited into your home (Masterji Kee Haveli).We will certainly recommend the experience to our friends.

Mark & Sue Kelly – Australia

What a wonderful time we had. A tour like no other – We will never forget the experience, the warmth and hospitality you have shown us. Thank you for taking us into your home. All the best.

Luke & Stefanie – Newyork, USA

This was one of the best walks I ever had. The foodwas excellent and Dhruv filled the walk with uniqueand special experiences. Anyone visiting India shouldtake this walk.

David Kinsey – Switzerland

It was a wonderful experience, full of surprises, flavoursas well as human warmth !! Congratulations and manythanks !!

Bertrand Forclaz – Switzerland

Thank you for a lovely evening, first in your neighbourhoodand then in your amazing house with your amazing family.We really enjoyed the evening with you, the good talk,food and laugh. I felt like being with close friends.I am grateful to have met you and i would be happy tosee you again in India or Germany.

Xenia Boettcher – Germany

We enjoyed very much the walk through Old Delhi localmarket and especially the warm and heartfelt atmospherein your nice home, the excellent meal and your friendship.

Oskar – Germany

Thank you for today. We had a great day and the picturesyou sent were fantastic.

Please thank your wife for the delicious breakfast,we loved it. You have a beautiful home and we thoroughlyenjoyed exploring old Delhi with you.

C Calder – Australia

An amazing evening!! I have been to Delhi multiple times but have never experienced it like this. Greatknowledge, tour food and amazing hospitality. Look forwardto doing the tour again.

Sid Khanna – Mumbai, India

Good food experience, very nice and friendly reception.Overall I enjoyed the trip very much. I loved the rosekulfi.

Dan Santoso – Jakarta, Indonesia

It’s a new food trail experience that everyoneshould have when they go to Delhi. Good food, nice familyand house. God bless!!!

Guntoro – Jakarta, Indonesia

I really enjoyed the time to know more in old Delhi.I enjoyed the food that was cooked by the beautifullady and a very warm family. I will come back and bringmore people to taste and feel that India has a lot ofnice persons and delicious food to try. The house isalso so traditional. Thank you for introducing and Ifeel so happy that I could have the chance today. Hopeto see you again soon!

Vieldhie – Japan

This is the first time I have come to New Delhi, Indiaand experienced food trail in old Delhi. I enjoyed thereception given by the people and especially the nicefamily, Dhruv and his pretty wife. It was a great journeyto me, taking good pictures, as I am photographer byhobby (a serious one) and I would show it to my friendsin Indonesia so that they will also visit and experiencethe incredible food walk of India.

Luhut Napitupulu – Indonesia

I have read masterji kee haveli,family and the tour. That’s awesome!! I wouldreally like to try this one. It’s wonderful forthem to invest in tourism. People should support toprotect the heritage, culture and traditions to othersespecially the future generations otherwise we willbe living in a world where nature can only be appreciatedin pictures, cultures and traditions could only be experiencein films. People should really learn and support thesekind of ventures and causes for the best of their country,not in some mining, or other industries that could ruinedthe natural beauty of it. I know india is an old countrywith more than old buildings, but they have rich culture,great food, and behind those old structures are wonderfuland fantastic stories.. I would love to visit theresomehow.

Mylene Lalove – Philippines

Thank you so much for providing me with such a specialexperience. I loved your home, family and deliciousdinner. I need to come next time without eating lunchso I will enjoy fantastic meals even more. Thanks again.

Reeves – University of Michigan, USA

The visit to the Haveli was one of the highlights of our trip. I’m sure that other people who want to have a real Delhi experience will feel the same.. The tour gave us a flavour of the area. I would highly recommend others.

Mike and Sue Swope – Microsoft, USA

Many congratulations for enlightenning the past historyof the famous Sita Ram Bazar and placing it on the worldmap. Delhi has a rich history and glory attached toit,the lanes, the people, the ganga, jamuna, cultureand the oneness that you will not find anywhere. i wishyou great success

Suresh Gupta – New Delhi

Know better. Book better. Go better.

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TripAdvisor Ranking #1 of 169 Food & Drink in New Delhi

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